A study carried out in the United Kingdom and Spain to compare the waste disposal impact of Neptune 3 and canister devices in different areas:
Neptune has shown a 98.5 % (13 kg) reduction in weight of treated waste.*
reduction in the number of disposables used to manage surgical fluid waste when compared to canisters.*
Neptune has shown to save 7.9 x more time disposing of fluid waste compared to canisters
time saved disposing of fluid waste intraoperatively compared to canisters.*
time saved disposing of fluid waste intraoperatively compared to canisters.*
Per procedure, Neptune has shown HCPs handle 23.7 times less surgical fluid weight compared to canisters*
reduction in weight of surgical fluid handled intraoperatively by HCPs compared to canisters.*
reduction in weight of surgical fluid handled postoperatively by HCPs compared to canisters.*
of operating surgeons (n = 43) were very satisfied or satisfied with Neptune suction during survey*